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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

cut your worry period short and enjoy the rest of your day.

5 Important Tips for Anxiety Relief by John Stark
The inability to tolerate uncertainty plays a huge role in anxiety and worry. Chronic worriers can't stand doubt or unpredictability. They need to know with 100 percent certainty what's going to happen. Worrying is seen as a way to predict what the future has in store, a way to prevent unpleasant surprises and control the outcome. The problem is, it doesn't work.
Thinking about all the things that could go wrong doesn't make life any more predictable. You may feel safer when you're worrying, but it's just an illusion. Focusing on worst-case scenarios won't keep bad things from happening. It will only keep you from enjoying the good things you have in the present. So if you want to stop worrying, start by tackling your need for certainty and immediate answers.
Challenging intolerance of uncertainty: The key to anxiety relief
Ask yourself the following questions and write down your responses. See if you can come to an understanding of the disadvantages and problems of being intolerant of uncertainty.
Is it possible to be certain about everything in life?
What are the advantages of requiring certainty, versus the disadvantages? Or, how is needing certainty in life helpful and unhelpful?
Do you tend to predict bad things will happen just because they are uncertain? Is this a reasonable thing to do? What is the likelihood of positive or neutral outcomes?
Is it possible to live with the small chance that something negative may happen, given its likelihood is very low?
Worry and anxiety self-help tip #2: Create a worry period
It's tough to be productive in your daily life when anxiety and worry are dominating your thoughts. Trying to stop worrying doesn't work - at least not for long. You can distract yourself for a moment, but you can't banish your anxious thoughts for good. Trying to do so often makes them stronger. But that doesn't mean there's nothing you can do to control your worry. You just need to try a different approach. Rather than trying to totally suppress an anxious thought, develop the habit of postponing worrying.
Learning to postpone worrying:
Create a "worry period." Choose a set time and place for worrying. It should be the same every day (e.g. In the living room from 5:00 to 5:20 p.m.) and early enough that it won't make you anxious right before bedtime. During your worry period, you're allowed to worry about whatever's on your mind. The rest of the day, however, is a worry-free zone.
Postpone your worry. If an anxious thought or worry comes into your head during the day, make a brief note of it on paper and postpone it to your worry period. Remind yourself that you'll have time to think about it later, so there's no need to worry about it right now. Save it for later and continue to go about your day.
Go over your "worry list" during the worry period. Reflect on the worries you wrote down during the day. If the thoughts are still bothering you, allow yourself to worry about them, but only for the amount of time you've specified for your worry period. If the worries don't seem important any more, cut your worry period short and enjoy the rest of your day.
Postponing worrying is effective because it breaks the habit of dwelling on worries in the present moment. As you develop the ability to postpone your anxious thoughts, you'll experience a greater sense of control,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots.
Worry and anxiety self-help tip #3: Challenge negative thoughts
If you suffer from chronic anxiety and worries, chances are you look at the world in ways that make it seem more dangerous than it really is. For example, you may overestimate the possibility that things will turn out badly, jump immediately to worst-case scenarios, or treat every negative thought as if it were fact. You may also discredit your own ability to handle life's problems, assuming you'll fall apart at the first sign of trouble. These irrational, pessimistic attitudes are known as cognitive distortions.
Although cognitive distortions aren't based on reality, they're not easy to give up. Often, they're part of a lifelong pattern of thinking that's become so automatic you're not even completely aware of it. In order to break these bad thinking habits and stop the worry and anxiety they bring - you must retrain your brain.
Start by identifying the frightening thought,Unintended Consequences, being as detailed as possible about what scares or worries you. Then, instead of viewing your thoughts as facts, treat them as hypotheses you're testing out. As you examine and challenge your worries and fears, you'll develop a more balanced perspective.
Stop worry by questioning the worried thought:
What's the evidence that the thought is true? That it's not true?
Is there a more positive, realistic way of looking at the situation?
What's the probability that what I'm scared of will actually happen?
If the probability is low, what are some more likely outcomes?
Is the thought helpful? How will worrying about it help me and how will it hurt me?
What would I say to a friend who had this worry?
Worry and anxiety self-help tip #4: Learn how to relax
Anxiety is more than just a feeling. It's the body's physical "fight or flight" reaction to a perceived threat. Your heart pounds, you breathe faster, your muscles tense up, and you feel light-headed. When you're relaxed, the complete opposite happens. Your heart rate slows down, you breathe slower and more deeply, your muscles relax, and your blood pressure stabilizes. Since it's impossible to be anxious and relaxed at the same time, strengthening your body's relaxation response is a powerful anxiety-relieving tactic.
If you're a chronic worrier, relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation,I'm going to win the lottery this year, deep breathing, and meditation can teach you how to relax. The key is regular practice. Try to set aside at least 30 minutes a day. Over time, the relaxation response will come easier and easier, until it feels natural,you will bring that in. You will receive what you ask for..
Progressive muscle relaxation. When anxiety takes hold, progressive muscle relaxation can help you release muscle tension and take a "time out" from your worries. The technique involves systematically tensing and then releasing different muscle groups in your body. As your body relaxes, your mind will follow.
Deep breathing. When you're anxious, you breathe faster. This hyperventilation causes symptoms such as dizziness, breathlessness, lightheadedness, and tingly hands and feet. These physical symptoms are frightening, leading to further anxiety and panic. But by breathing deeply from the diaphragm, you can reverse these symptoms and calm yourself down.
Meditation. Many types of meditation have been shown to reduce anxiety. Mindfulness meditation, in particular, shows promise for anxiety relief. Research shows that mindfulness meditation can actually change your brain. With regular practice, meditation boosts activity on the left side of the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for feelings of serenity and joy.
Worry and anxiety self-help tip #5: Raise your emotional intelligence
Emotions are powerful. They can override thoughts and profoundly influence behavior. But if you are emotionally intelligent, you can harness the power of your emotions.
Emotional intelligence isn't a safety net that protects you from life's tragedies, frustrations, or disappointments. We all go through disappointments, loss, and change. And while these are normal parts of life, they can still cause sadness, anxiety, and stress. But emotional intelligence gives you the ability to cope and bounce back from adversity, trauma, and loss. In other words, emotional intelligence makes you resilient.
Emotional intelligence gives you the ability to:
Remain hopeful during challenging and difficult times
Manage strong feelings and impulses
Quickly rebound from frustration and disappointment
Ask for and get support when needed
Solve problems in positive, creative ways
Learn how to raise your emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence gives you the tools for coping with difficult situations and maintaining a positive outlook. It helps you stay focused, flexible, and creative in bad times as well as good. The capacity to recognize your emotions and express them appropriately helps you avoid getting stuck in depression, anxiety, or other negative mood states.
Read: Emotional Intelligence: The Five Key Skills at

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cat jewelry might be popular among children

Cat Jewelry: Freeing the Inner Feline
"Cats are possessed of a shy, retiring nature, cajoling,Oily skin types can also benefit from non-oily coverage, haughty, and capricious,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots, difficult to fathom. They reveal themselves only to certain favored individuals, and are repelled by the faintest suggestion of insult or even by the most trifling deception." - Pierre Loti
Ah, where to start? Cats are among the most celebrated creatures of literature. They're domesticated and at the same time wild, loved and at the same time hated. They stand for stealth and mystery, the power of silence and secrets. And cat jewelry is a testament to that power.
Even before Halle Berry popularized the Catwoman, and before the sleek, sassy villainess ever graced the pages of DC comics, cats were being worshipped all over the world. The way the cat moves, the easy grace and mysterious stillness fuels the imagination and fires up the senses. Bast, the ancient Egyptian cat-goddess, was a wild goddess who was generous in good humor,Celebrity Skin Care Products, and ferocious in ill. To kill a cat in ancient Egypt was to call down the wrath of Bast, and was not only considered an act of evil, but a crime against the gods.
To compare a person to a cat is to give credit to his/her capricious, languid, underhanded nature. Cats will only do as they desire, not as they are told. Loyalty is something they only bestow, not give out of a sense of obligation. At the same time they are affectionate to those whom they have chosen, work with reasons they may not disclose to anyone, and perform incredible tasks with absolute secrecy. Sending a person -- especially a woman -- cat jewelry as a gift would serve as a tribute to these special traits,a garden hose. Wearing cat jewelry would aid in fostering an image of mystery and an instinct for the refined.
The endearing nature of cats has been immortalized not only in classical literature ("The Black Cat" by Edgar Allan Poe, and "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" by Tennessee Williams, to name two of many) but also in modern literature, like TV shows and comic strips. We have Garfield and Heathcliff on our Sunday papers, and Top Cat and the Thundercats in our (all right, kind of outdated) Saturday morning cartoon lineups. Cats have been preserved in so many artistic forms -- why can't jewelry be among them?
Cat jewelry might be popular among children, especially little girls who love kittens and probably raise cats of their own. Young women may also appreciate the extraordinary sleekness of the feline motif, and feel especially sexy wearing something so in tune with their sensual nature.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Help Desk Analyst

Leave Your Dead End Job…For Good.
So here you are…stuck in a dead end job. Are you hitting the glass ceiling in a job you once loved, but now can't stand? Maybe the hours are long. Maybe you can't stand retail customers anymore. Maybe you're like 70% of college students who didn't earn a degree and you feel this is the best job you can get without one.
Take heart. There are a lot of great careers out there,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots, especially for people who have some work experience. But how will you get trained and how can you go to school when you're still working…after all you've got bills to pay, maybe kids, a car payment and a mortgage,months later? A career college can train you and get you the right certification to get into a better job and a better future.
Career colleges offer relevant coursework, proper accreditation and flexible schedules to get you into a better career in medical, computer, paralegal or business fields. Usually there's limited, or no waiting to take the courses you need. Most programs take two years or less and some as little as six months! The fact that you've had some work experience, hopefully with increased responsibilities, will give you an advantage once you finish your schooling.
Here are three occupational fields that are full of opportunity now and will continue to be over the next decade.
The healthcare field is one of the fastest growing fields around,and insane.. More and more people are retiring out of it, the American population has grown and we are living longer lives. These conditions have created a huge demand for all types of medical jobs,you can remain as you are. Three hot jobs are:
Dental Hygiene
Medical Coding
Just like healthcare, computer based jobs are continuing to grow. Computers are taking over the world, but they still need programmers and operators to make them work. Here are three jobs that have great growth potential:
Help Desk Analyst
Software Development
Graphic Design
Mechanical Trades
If you don't like to sit behind a desk all day, there are plenty of jobs that allow you to be "constructive" and pay well.
HVAC Technician
Appliance Repair Technician
Don't settle for a dead end job. You have too many years left in the workforce to be unhappy for eight hours a day. With flexible schedules, short time to completion and a variety of financial aid options, a career college can take you towards a better job and a better life.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

If your girdle or corselet doesn't come with suspenders attached

How to Get a Forties Lingerie Look by Charlotte Bleasdale
The forties was a time of real lady-like elegance for women, so it's no surprise the look is making a comeback in fashion and lingerie. You can look for authentic vintage pieces, shop for modern versions of the same styles, or even re-interpret classic lingerie often aimed at the older customer in your own unique way. If you're aiming for a sexy yet classy forties-style retro look, here are some ways you could achieve it.
For an authentic retro look you could seek out a genuine vintage bullet bra. In the forties and fifties, underwired bras had not yet arrived on the scene. The popular bust shape was a more conical,5. When do you shop, pointed outline, compared to today's more rounded silhouette, and this was achieved with a bullet bra. If you don't fancy trawling vintage shops there are many classic style bras available that give a retro look. For example, the Doreen by Triumph is the world's best selling bra. Instead of underwiring it uses structured cups for support, giving a more gentle take on the bullet bra shape. Alternatively you could go for a long-line or midi bra, either underwired or non-wired.
A corselet,why not keep a pair of folding shoes in your glove compartment, sometimes called a bra slip, is a piece of controlwear that includes a bra section but continues down into a slip or girdle. They were very popular in the forties and fifties but fell out of fashion for a spell. Now however they're back in vogue, thanks in part to Gok Wan and his vintage style shapewear range. They look ever so sexy on curvy girls, supporting your bust, holding in your waist and smoothing all over for an hourglass outline. Many also come with detachable suspenders. Find a vintage piece or go for a modern interpretation. You'll find modern pieces do a much better job when it comes to shape, support and fit.
If you don't fancy an all-in-one corselet, try a girdle with your bra,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots. This is a half-slip, like a shapewear skirt, designed to slim your tummy,Pueraria Mirifica, hips and thighs. Once old fashioned, they're enjoying something of a revival thanks to the forties comeback. The most famous makes are Playtex and Miss Mary of Sweden, but you will also find girdles from more contemporary lingerie brands and retro lingerie boutiques.
If your girdle or corselet doesn't come with suspenders attached, or if you prefer not to wear a piece of controlwear, you'll need a suspender belt to go with your briefs. This is something that goes around your mid section and sits on your hips, with fastening hanging down to attach your suspenders to. With the advent of tights, suspenders belts and stockings have fallen out of favour but your partner will most definitely appreciate the effort!
And what goes on the end of your suspenders? Stockings of course! Yes, they're more of a hassle than tights, but when you see the overall effect you'll surely agree they're worth it. For an authentic forties look go for seamed stockings, where the seams run down the middle of the backs of your legs. Whether you choose black or neutral coloured stockings you'll get a sexy look with a true flavour of the forties.
Don't forget hair and make-up!
Red lipstick is essential for a forties look and so glamorous! Try hair rolls or elegant finger waves for authentic retro hair that's ever so elegant.

Friday, October 26, 2012

I was a C-plus but I fell to C-minus.

Trying Large Size Bras by Rachel Lynn
It has now become a need for manufacturer's to survey busty women before they get to sewing bras. It has become a life long struggle for busty women to find a large size bras.Soon there will be a revolt when years of bottled up frustration breaks free. We are not demanding for anything big, so hear me.
The first fact,it just means, full figured women are no demanding push-up bras. In large size bras a push up bra does not exist. There are push out bras in the bigger sizes. No more efforts need be put to attract more attention to a women's breasts if they are larger than B-cup. It will simply be overdoing it,Have you ever seen a badger.
More than enough amount of time has been spent in making busts look bigger. If you still continue to manufacture large size bras, I think now is the time that these ladies already are endowed with large enough boobs. No more help is required from your side in this regard.
At the same time,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots, we don't desire to be suffocated in bras we put on. Many large size bras are manufactures so as to flatten the bust line. I found some great information at . In case of sports bra this is acceptable, but not for daily used undergarments. Large size bras are meant to be actually for large size breasts. We need ease to breathe, please.
Do also remember to decide about the actual sizes. I have noticed and done my research and found that no all cups are the same. But we still have to buy large size bras. The numbers are all your domain and I wish you all the luck you require,can become quiet a hurdle to overcome even for the most savvy of daters..
The sizes are not all standardized. A D-cup for one company is a double D for another. There are even almost seizes that make me all the more angry. Ultimately we will have large size bras categorized as plus and minus. Soon we will hear things like: I was a C-plus but I fell to C-minus.
Ladies who have big boobs experience a lot of difficulty while shopping. Maybe large size bras are more in demand than regular full-figured ones. I hope never to find it out.
Our demands are pretty straightforward. We want a constancy and support in our large size bras. We don't want to be asphyxiated and taken advantage of. Do give a good thought to these terms while sewing the large size bras. Same is definitely applicable to relationship between people. Nobody wants to be forced, subdued and taken for granted.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

but at least I've made the point.

Herpes And The Lysine Lie
The companies selling Lysine supplements have done a great job in getting people to buy a substance that has little value in managing a chronic herpes infection,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots. Lysine has never been shown conclusively in clinical studies to be an effective long term treatment for herpes and in the short term it has never been shown to be more effective than a garlic supplement. Long term use of lysine supplements suppress the arginine levels in your body to a point where it begins to impair your immune system because your immune system does actually need a certain amount of arginine to function properly.
Like all things in your body, balance is the key. Your immune system depends on a good balance between lysine and arginine and the best way to achieve this is to get your lysine through your diet the way your body was designed to instead of through a pill. Eat the foods high in lysine, avoid the foods high in arginine. Simple.
You cannot manage herpes just by popping a pill whether it comes from a drug company or a "natural health" company. This isn't "the valley of the dolls" you actually can get through life without being dependent on pills.
Real management of herpes means strenthening your immune system so that it can keep the virus in check which is what your body is designed to do. You can accomplish this through taking real herbal medicine from an herbalist or by making it yourself.
Real management of herpes also means making the effort to eat an appropriate diet, stress management, and working on your emotional and mental relationship with the disease.
It does take more work to take care of your body naturally than it does to pop a pill. I for one think your body's worth it. I think your life's worth it. Some would disagree, but at least I've made the point.
Christopher Scipio
Holistic Viral Specialist

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

In any given year

Perfumes and the Women Who Love Them
If it is Valentine's Day,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots, then many men resort to flowers or candy to show the women in their lives just how much they really care. For the bigger holidays such as birthdays or Christmas, men typically reach a bit deeper into their pockets for the larger ticket items such as jewelry or perfume. But the reason why so much perfume is sold in any given year has far more to do with hormones and the feelings created by certain scents than by the gift-giving rationale of men.
Perfumes, colognes, and scented oils have been part of human civilization since the time of the ancient Egyptians and beyond. Jars and vases filled with exotic fragrances have also been found in ancient Chinese burial sites. In fact, the use of perfumes has no exact starting date as its exact history is unknown. All that is truly known is that women and men have been using cologne and perfume to enhance their own scent for thousands of years will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
In any given year, 66% of men and 75% of women find themselves buying cologne or perfume during the course of a year. Researchers believe that part of the reason why women love receiving perfume (and also when men love giving perfume as a gift) is due to pheromones. Pheromones are hormones thought to stimulate sexual appetite or interest and they are triggered by scent.
So do women love perfume because it makes them want to have sex? No, actually the scent has a more dramatic effect upon men. While the effect is less pronounced in women, certain colognes worn by men have been known to produce a similar desire in women. Although a link between the scent of perfume and increased sexual desire has been found, researchers do not believe that it explains the desire to wear perfume on a daily basis.
In fact, most scientists believe that human pheromones and their impact upon our behavior has decreased over the years as we have become more advanced and civilized. While most scientists conclude that scent once played a rather large part in human mating habits, they believe that it has relatively little to do with sexual attraction in this day and age.
So then why do women love perfume so much and why is it such a popular gift during the holidays? It actually seems to be due to the simple feeling created by wearing any fragrance that one finds appealing. In fact, the feeling created by a woman wearing perfume is similar to that made by a candle used for aromatherapy. It is soothing, subtle, and slightly romantic but not really sexual in nature.
Of course, it does not really matter why precisely a woman loves wearing perfume. All that is truly important is that she does love to smell great and the attention she receives when wearing her favorite perfume. In time, the perfume and the scent of her own body will combine into a singular aroma that will literally become her own scent.
As the sense of smell can recall the most vivid of memories, it is this unique scent of a woman combined with her perfume that people tend to remember most when thinking of that person. Men will often buy the same perfume for a woman even years after she has ceased using it because it is the scent they have come to identify with that woman.
And yet, women do move on to new perfumes and always seem to be on the search for a new scent to adorn their bodies. Of course, it is not surprising for some higher end perfumes to cost $100's of dollars per bottle which is why a large number of women and men find themselves shopping for their favorite brands online. The Internet can also be a great place to find deals on new perfumes and fragrances as most websites generally offer a much greater selection than traditional stores.
The love of perfume by both men and women may be completely instinctual and somehow related to sexuality. However, the fact is that perfume just plain smells great and therefore puts us in a good mood. Who doesn't like something that smells good be it a pot roast or a garden lily? Of course, pot roast has a tendency to make us hungry so what does the smell of fine perfume make us? There has to be a really good reason why perfume is so popular, now doesn't there??

Sunday, October 21, 2012

improves blood circulation and relieves mental and physical fatigue.

Pregnancy Massage Therapy
The modern mum-to-be is a stressed out individual, having to cater to increasing pressures of a fast paced society and work place. Yet at the same time, she knows that her wellness is crucial especially during her pregnancy if she wants a smooth delivery process and the birth of a healthy happy baby.
This increased awareness has led to the search for alternative approaches in addition to traditional health services. Pregnancy massage therapy is one such alternative approach. It has much therapeutic value as it enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves blood circulation and relieves mental and physical fatigue.
Pregnancy Massage can be prenatal, postnatal or during the labour process, although many refer pregnancy massage to just prenatal and post-natal massage to mean massage that takes place a few days after delivery.
In a prenatal massage,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots, the massage is focused on reducing pregnancy discomforts and aims to enhance the physiological and emotional well-being of both mother and foetus. A relaxed mother also helps in the development of a brainy and healthy foetus. Also, the massage helps to strengthen and prepares the muscles that are useful for a natural delivery process.
Many women fear a long delivery process. Yet, many desire one that is as natural as possible and without the use of epidural or any other drugs. During labour, massage techniques exist to help shorten the delivery process while easing pain and anxiety.
Post-natal massage focuses on toning the new mother's body, reduce fluid retention and and helps the body be brought back to balance and shape. It also helps to rejuvenate and re-energize the new mother and thus enhance her ability to bond with her baby.
The pregnant female should always first consult her doctors if she is suitable for massage or for any other alternative therapies that they wish to try. Her overall objective is to achieve a good mental state and physical health and to have a wonderful birthing experience.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

When designing your flower arrangements

Tips on Making Beautiful Floral Arrangements
Do you have your own flower garden and would like to make some use of it? Are you fond of crafts and do it your self decorative projects? Would you like to make some homemade floral arrangements to further accent your home or to give away as gifts? If this sounds like you, then please read on for some tips on making beautiful floral arrangements.
To start your floral arrangements, you will first need something to put your flowers in. Get a vase or some other container that is decorative and also holds water. Before you start your floral arrangements, you may want to consider further decorating the vase or container by spraying it with gold or bronze spray paint. Let it dry for 24 hours and then spray on a coat of clear enamel spray. This will give your arrangement a more decorative feel.
Next, you need a base for your floral arrangements. The base is used for the flowers to have something to anchor to. You can use a ball of willow branches, grapevine, or floral foam that you can buy at a local craft store. The floral foam is called Oasis. If you use Oasis, be sure to soak it in water and poke holes in it with a pen before you put flowers it so that it doesn't break the stems.
When cutting flowers for floral arrangements, try to do so early in the day or morning. This is because the stems have more water in them at this point of the day and the flowers are not drooping. Be sure to only use cold water in the flower arrangement because warm water tends to make the flowers open up too soon and not last as long.
If you want your flowers to last longer, you can places apple and lemon wedges in the water at the bottom of the floral arrangements. The apples have nutrients that will help feed the flowers, while the lemons prevent premature rotting and browning. It also adds a more decorative touch to your flower arrangements.
When designing your flower arrangements, try to pick colors that go with the environment the arrangement will be placed in. First use taller flowers to create the vertical part of the arrangement. Then use full blooming flowers with bright and bold colors for the center and sides of the floral arrangements. Then fill in the small gaps with tiny flowers,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots.
Those were some great tips on making beautiful floral arrangements. If you use all of these tips in conjunction with each other, you are sure to have a long lasting floral arrangement. With a little practice, you can be well on your way to having beautiful floral arrangements that rival those found in floral shops!

Friday, October 19, 2012

but also the prevention of new dark spots.

Use an Effective Age Spots Removal Organic Skin Care Cream for Safe Whitening by Laurel Levine
Let's face it. If you are beginning to see the signs of dark spots developing on your skin you will soon be on the market for an effective age spots removal organic skin care cream. I would actually avoid most of the formulas on the market for reducing the melanin content in your skin however. Some of the commonly used skin whitening compounds can have a negative effect on your health.
Just to set the record straight the melanin hyperpigmentation you are experiencing has absolutely nothing to do with your physical age. What causes the darkening of remote areas of the skin is the accumulative damage to your skin cells from exposure to direct sunlight. This is why these discolored areas tend to appear on the forehead, face, neck, shoulders, hands, and in balding men the top of the head,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots.
These are the areas of the body most often affected by the sun's rays, and the UV radiation that this star emits. Tanning is the body's automated defense system for preventing UV radiation from damaging underlying cells, but there is no way to avoid the damage that occurs to your outer layers of skin. An effective age spots removal organic skin care cream is designed to reverse the effects of the harm your skin has suffered.
It takes many years for the results of the injury to your skin to appear, and it usually doesn't begin to show up until a person is well into their forties. This is why the formation of these marks has been linked with age, but the truth is that the more time a person has spent in the sun over the years the earlier these spots could begin to appear. Let's look at your choices for treating the problem.
One of the most effective ingredients found in age spots removal organic skin care cream is Hydroquinone, which is a type of phenol. Products that contain this compound are widely available except in Europe, which banned Hydroquinone after studies indicated that the phenol causes leukemia in animals. I believe that it is better to be safe than sorry, so I don't recommend putting this compound on your skin.
Other skin whiteners such as ammoniated mercury and Mercury (II) chloride have long been known to be toxic to humans. Whether such a compound is effective in reducing the melanin content of your skin or not it is irresponsible for any company to allow you to absorb a known potent toxin into your skin. If I was you, I would use the safe and effective products that contain Extrapone nutgrass root.
When included as a primary ingredient in an age spots removal organic skin care cream Extrapone root extract will lower the melanin content of your skin by as much as 40 percent. This drop in melanin will result in not only the disappearance of the hyperpigmentation you currently suffer, but also the prevention of new dark spots.
Make no mistake about it. An age spots removal organic skin care cream with Extrapone nutgrass root extract is the best way for you to deal with your problem.
If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

but if you are not sure which colors will look best on you and if you don't usually wear makeup

Beauty Tips
Hockessin, Delaware skin care and cosmetics expert offers beauty tips to change your summer look for the fall/winter.
Hockessin, DE, October 31, 2006-- It can be hard to go outside the norm when it comes to choosing a makeup color. Typically, when you find the color that works for you, it is that same color you grab out of the cosmetic bag every day. With the season changing however,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots, cosmetic experts are saying to take a chance and change your look. And whatever you do make it bold!
Instead of keeping up with the soft, sporty, sun-kissed look of the summer, one beauty tip is to begin using more bold colors in your makeup regime to take you into the fall season, said Barbara Harrington, a Hockessin resident and distributor for SeneGence International®.
A bold eye or a bold lip is the perfect accessory for the fall, said Harrington. Pick a feature to define: bright, bold colors like berry tones, plums and reds are perfect for lips and deep shades such as indigo, onyx and charcoal will make the eyes really stand out are some other beauty tips to consider for transition into our next season.
Bold lip and eye colors are perfect for fall seasonal events and holiday parties. And vibrant make-up will offset the darker, heavier clothing often found in your fall/winter wardrobe. So, be fearless with color, but be careful not to go overboard cautions Harrington as her next beauty tip.
Accentuate one feature: Pick either your eyes or lips. If you heavily define both features, it will look overwhelming and unnatural states Harrington.
This is the time of year where you can try new things while defining your best features. Be creative and have fun with color, said Harrington. With bright, bold colors, you can make a statement.
There is no need to be heavy on the blush when there is emphasis on your eyes or lips, but a touch of bronzing powder on your chin, forehead and cheek will give a nice sun-kissed look that is perfect year-round, said Harrington in her next beauty tip.
Berry-toned colors usually work for all skin tones, but if you are not sure which colors will look best on you and if you don't usually wear makeup, you should consult a cosmetics professional to show you application techniques.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

to show off on the beach. A pair of metallic gold or silver toned sandals would be glamorous

7 Must Haves For A Beach Vacation Wardrobe
When you go for a beach vacation, the last thing you would want is to lug around tonnes of clothes. You can travel light when you go for a beach holiday, or anywhere warm. A capsule wardrobe of just 7 lightweight items are all you need, to stay chic throughout your holiday. Bring some detergent so you can wash each day's clothes after wearing it, and you should have enough to last through a long holiday.
With some clever coordination, 7 key items get you a myriad of looks. You look chic by the beach or in the restaurant. That capsule wardrobe goes a long way. The trick is to pick tops that go with all the bottoms in your travel wardrobe. Do that through your color scheme.
First of all, pick your color scheme. What colors look best on you. Pick 2 or 3 colors that make you look really good, and which go really well with one another. If you are uncertain, you could stick to just black and white, or a bright color and black. As long as all your tops and bottoms are within your color scheme, you can mix and match the tops and bottoms in your travel wardrobe easily.
Now for the 7 items.
#1 Your swimwear. This is where your beach wardrobe begins. You can match your swimwear with your skirts for new looks as you go from the beach, to the bar for a drink. That swim suit can double up as a body suit. A bikini top could double up as a midriff baring halter top. Choose carefully though. If you have a tummy, a one piece swimsuit that holds in your waist would minimize the problem. On the other hand, a string bikini would be really sexy on a good figure. Your swimwear something you should go to the mall to try on yourself. Pick one that looks best on you. Check your reflection in the mirrors, from all angles. Don't trust the salesgirl. See for yourself. Or get a pal you can trust for her opinion. This swimsuit or bikini is going to be worn with your skirts as well, so pick something in a neutral color, like black or white. You could also pick one in a color or print that would match the skirts you bring on that holiday.
#2 A lightweight, yet gorgeous dress like the ones found at A dress that you can easily roll up and pack into your bag. Ideally, it should emerge wrinkle free when you are ready to wear it. Or you could always hang it up in the bathroom when you take a hot shower, to let the steam smoothen the wrinkles in it. This is especially useful if you might end up going to a fancy restaurant for a meal, or an impromptu dinner date.
#3 A sexy top that flatters your body. The ones at would do beautifully. If you have nice arms, a tank top, a strappy top or any top that is sleeveless would show off your arms beautifully. If not, go for cap sleeves or a long sleeve top that shows a little cleavage.
#4 A babydoll t-shirt like the ones found at .The babydoll cut flatters the female body. Especially when worn as a top. It emphasises the bust, skims and slims the waist. It is feminine, but never tarty.
#5 A wrap skirt like these This should match with your top, your t-shirt and your swimsuit to create different looks. After a swim, put on the wrap skirt over your bikini or swim suit, and go for a drink.
#6 A ultra short mini skirt to raise temperatures further. The ones at are perfect for an ultra sexy look. Again, this can be matched with your swimsuit, top and babydoll t-shirt for 3 more new looks.
#7 A pair of high heel sandals that is pretty enough for the restaurants in the resort. If it is too cumbersome to wear on the beach, you can always go around barefoot. Just make sure you get a pretty pedicure (and manicure) to show off on the beach. A pair of metallic gold or silver toned sandals would be glamorous, and go well with everything,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

dab a little clear nail polish around the hole to keep it from running further.

10 Tips To Help Maintain Your Hosiery
Whether they are worn for work or play, Nylons are an essential owned by nearly all women. Unfortunately, at some point and time, almost all women open their nylon draw only to discover their last pair of nylons ravaged with runs. Here are ten tips to help prevent this situation and help maintain your sexy hosiery:
1. Consider buying a full suit pantyhose bodystocking to wear under your clothes instead of old fashion pantyhose. The full suits are less likely to run. Bodystockings will provide added comfort since they do not constantly feel as if they are falling down. There are more intricate varieties of lace and fishnet bodystockings to choose from. From Sexy Seemless Long Sleeve Bodystockings to Halter top Bodystockings, bodystockings come in various cuts that will compliment any outfit. Crotchless Bodystockings offer quick convenient access and lessen the need to pull your nylons on and off. This will unquestionably reduce the risk of runs.
2. If you find yourself creating the run and snags while putting on your sexy hosiery invest in a pair of cotton mini gloves. This tip is especially for women who wear acrylic nails. Wearing the soft gloves while putting on the pantyhose may help to prevent long nails from causing runs. For your own convenience keep the cotton mini gloves in your pantyhose draw.
3. Roll the pantyhose up and then slide them over your legs. This trick is usually something that women tend to do automatically. However, it is important when you're putting on a full bodystocking that you use this technique as your hands must slide through more fabric to put on a bodystocking.
4. It is important to buy the right size to ensure less tugging while putting the stocking on. If you are between sizes, buy the next size up instead of the smaller size. This will help reduce the chance of runs. Many one piece bodystockings come in one size. These one size suits tend to have more stretch to them.
5. Keep clear nail polish on hand. If you do get a small hole in an inconspicuous spot, dab a little clear nail polish around the hole to keep it from running further.
6. Freeze your pantyhose and bodystocking before you wear them for the first time. Believe it or not, this helps to extend their lifetime tremendously. Wet your bodystocking or pantyhose and wet squeeze out most of the excess water before placing them in a freezer bag. Place the sexy hosiery in a freezer bag for at least 24 hours.
7. Wash your hose before your initial use. When washing, place your bodystocking in a lingerie bag. Always remember to use a mild detergent in cold water on a gentle cycle. Don't forget to add the fabric softener! This is important as adding a fabric softener helps to preserve the shape of your sexy nylons and bodystocking.
8. Never place your bodystocking or sexy hosiery in the dryer. This will definitely shorten the life span of your hosiery. Always hang to dry.
9. Keep your toenails trimmed and filed. Regularly file your toenails to make sure there is no chance of sharp corners. Failure to do so will inevitably ruin your bodystockings. Here's a great excuse to treat yourself to a pedicure!
10. Wear High Stockings instead of full stockings. Less material lessens the chance of creating a run. Thigh High Stockings with Garterbelts are not only comfortable but will create sexy feel. Treat your Lace Thigh High Stockings just as you would a full nylon or bodysuit,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

they became fashionable. The lower-middle classes started taking them up. Unfortunately

8 Things That Maketh Not The Lady
1. Tattoos.
Tattoos used to be the colouring of soldiers, sailors, mafiosi and punk rockers. About ten years ago, they became fashionable. The lower-middle classes started taking them up. Unfortunately, unlike last years' shoes, tattoos can't be taken to the thrift shop and disposed of.
To a certain class of person, tattoos are 'cool'. To another, they are a graffito on the temple of the soul. They mark a woman definitively as lower class, alienated, depressed, and a bit daft,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots. They're also a handy way to identify one absolutely to the authorities. Which shows how stupid some crooks are.
The same goes for piercings. My family are farmers. I associate nose rings with bulls, and piercings with cattle tags. They are a haven of dirt, infection, and their openings look unsightly.
With tattoos and piercings, before you've opened your mouth, you've already typed yourself to people you meet.
2. Highlights and streaks.
Are you blonde, or brunette? Make up your mind! These might have been novel ten years ago. Now they just look common. Not all gentlemen prefer blondes. A healthy head of untinted brunette or raven dark hair is a pleasant novelty these days.
It is true that blondes have more fun. I used to be one! Most people on the planet are dark. A non-blonde with blonde hair looks 'interesting'.
Now this fashion is done to death, however. If they're doing it in Romford, it's buried!
3. Big hoop earrings.
Unmistakably part of the wardrobe of the gypsy. Which is fine if you are one. Strangely popular. Perhaps they're to make the wearer's head look smaller. Add them to the features above, and an unattractive type emerges,best friends and relatives are the most common witnesses that they have..
4. Binge drinking.
Binge drinking, squawking and falling over in the street is hilarious if you are the one doing it. If you are the spectator, it's less so.
5. Visible G-string.
This is erotic, no doubt about it. Unless you haven't the figure to pull it off. Likely to provoke a reaction of 'Mother of G*d!' when adorning the pasty, blemished buttocks of the 'full-figured' young lady. Bad diet, no exercise, five-pints-a-night, then 'peek-a-boo!'. Agggh!
I used to wonder why so many saucily-dressed young ladies walked the streets hatchet-faced. Now I now. Half are trying to ward off unwanted vulgar advances from men, the other half are annoyed they're not getting any!
There's nothing sexy about contrived, blatant eroticism. What's erotic is what seems to be an accident. 'A glimpse of stocking is something quite shocking' etc.
Likely to irritate female co-workers also. Assuming your company allows such clothing. It doesn't? I wonder why?
6. Swearing.
Your gentleman friends might find this amusing, to your face. What they think in private is another matter. Habitual swearing is another sign of a depressed, angry person. It's unattractive. The more you do it, the more it corrodes your subconscious.
7. Breast Augmentation.
Also known as a 'boob job'. These look fine, from a distance. Compared to a natural pair, they look odd. They are to
real breasts what a transvestite is to a 'red hot mama'; no competition. Up close, they're just not as good as the real
thing. A perfectly functional piece of equipment has been turned into a cartoon joke, with possible long-term medical
Some men like small breasts. Beauty is a matter of proportion. Some women are neurotic about their appearance;
nothing will please them.
A good example is ...
8. Disappearing Eyebrows.
They get plucked away to nothingness, then get drawn or tattooed back in. And this is better? One can end up looking
freakish, even clown-like. Loss of hair suggests illness. Plucking out one's hair is often a sign of mental illness.
Girls, desist,2. Surface! Don't try to gild the lily!
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are people who'll encourage you in the above,and the risks. They'll say you look lovely. Misery loves
company, and some people delight in the fall of others.
Be your own woman. Stand back from yourself, your life and your surroundings, and decide your own destiny.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

supplementing with Vitamin C with bioflavioids may help maintain the pregnancy

Pregnancy: Eat Right For Your Baby's Sake!
There is reason to believe that the fetus competes with her mother for available nutrients,strength. If they are not available in sufficient quantity, the baby may have long-term consequences. Pregnant women who have deficient diets may cause miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight, brain damage, psychological problems or weak immune systems in their babies. Good nutrition can diminish these problems. Laboratory animals who were fed a diet lacking in magnesium, B6, choline and protein developed a toxemia-like condition,both yellow and white. In toxemia, the mother experiences excessive swelling, headaches, high blood pressure and proteinuria and they baby may be of low birth weight or even die.
For some women, miscarriage may be prevented through good diet. Miscarriage can result from deficiencies or eating too little or too few protein foods. For those at risk,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots, supplementing with Vitamin C with bioflavioids may help maintain the pregnancy (beginning with 500 mg,that you are happy with it. In the end no 1 else is wearing it. and increasing to 4 grams then increasing to 15 grams daily as the pregnancy goes to term). Additionally, up to 200 IU of Vitamin E and folic acid may prevent miscarriage.
Birth defects have been linked with a deficiency of folic acid. Good sources of folic acid are eggs, liver, milk and raw, green leafy vegetables.
Hemorrhage may be prevented by ensuring sufficient Vitamin C and flavinoids are in the diet as well as Vitamin K.
To prevent anemia, miscarriage and birth defects, the pregnant woman should eat iron-rich foods such as liver, oysters, heart, lean meat, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, dried fruits, beans and molasses.
Some pregnant women seem to ride an emotional roller-coaster and this can be somewhat alleviated by eating adequate protein, B complex vitamins and calcium.
Morning sickness or nausea afflicts many women during pregnancy. Some women may find relief from eating 25 mg Viamin B6 with each meal.
Labor pain may be reduced by getting enough Vitamin D and taking additional supplementation during labor. One recipe suggest taking 2000 mg at the beginning of labor and at the start of active labor for less pain. Vitamin E may relieve some pain also and make birth occur easier and quicker.

Friday, October 12, 2012

not a synthetic vitamin E

The Best Nightcream Contains Natural Substances
Are you frustrated with trying to find an effective nightcream? A skin care cream that helps restore your skin while you sleep? Let's face it,particularly when we start getting a little older., we can't stop the signs or aging, but they can be slowed down using natural active ingredients found in quality skin care.
Just imagine a cream that delivers special nutrients to rejuvenate your skin. A skin care product that contains natural powerful substances like antioxidants, oils and emollients which work together to fight your skin's aging signs,by Marcus Ryan. A cream that reduces wrinkles, fades age spots and makes your skin smoother and more supple.
But, those aging signs are a fact of life. And sadly, your skin has three offenders that cause those signs of aging to show. They are: lower levels of hyaluronic acid, cell-damaging free radicals, and the loss of collagen and elastin.
Time to fight back -- this article will discuss what kinds of natural active ingredients you should look for in a nightcream.
To start, the best nightcreams should contain natural active ingredients clinically tested (on humans) and proven effective. After all, there's no sense in spending your money on products if they aren't scientifically proven to work.
During the night, your body heals itself,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots. So, it makes sense to apply a night time cream that helps your body produce more collagen and elastin. The two vital skin proteins responsible for smooth, even toned and young-looking skin.
The best ingredient to fight the loss of collagen and elastin is called Cynergy TK. Cynergy TK has been clinically tested (on humans) to boost the body's production of collagen and elastin. Studies found a sustained 14% improvement in skin moisture retention over 18 days and a 42% improvement in skin elasticity over 18 days.
The best night skin care products must also have a powerful Coenzyme Q10. A CoQ10 which penetrates deeply into your skin to nourishes it with antioxidants which destroy harmful cell-damaging free radicals.
Here are a few more ingredients to look for:
1. Natural Vitamin E -- remember,Have You Found The Greek Attire That You Need, not a synthetic vitamin E, but this natural vitamin E because it's a powerful antioxidant that has been (in many scientific studies) shown to reverse the effects of aging on the skin. For instance, it reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and helps prevent the appearance of age spots.
2. Avocado Oil -- an substance you definitely want in your nightcream skin care. A rich and deeply-penetrating oil. It has powerful antioxidants loaded with high levels of chlorophyll, vitamin E and omegas 3 and 9 to increase your skin's health and strength. Other skin benefits are: reduces age spots; helps soften and moisturize; and, helps to regenerate and rejuvenate.
3. Babassu -- this light, natural wax type ingredient is actually a natural oil which comes from the kernel of a fruit from Babassu palm. It softens and soothes skin by creating an invisible barrier that retains moisture and keeps out dirt and grime. It gently moisturizes without making your skin oily. Found in the best skin care but used for centuries to soothe the skin.
So there you have it, effective natural ingredients found in a nightcream that help restore your skin while you sleep!
Visit my website today where I cover, in detail, more amazing natural active ingredients you should look for in the best night cream so your skin can become younger-looking.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

you'll have to be very clear about the type of bra that'll suit you best.

Underwire Bras Can Prevent Pain, Sagging And Fatigue! by Kalwant Rana
Since the basic purpose of wearing bras is to provide your breasts with the support they need, you'll have to be very clear about the type of bra that'll suit you best.
One simple rule here is that the larger your breasts are, the more important the type of bra you wear.
Large breasted women can almost never go without a bra, since it can lead to back,so as to provide us with what we need. Others in the industry though, shoulder and neck pains but can also be extremely uncomfortable,do NOT give her the following.
Can't Find A Bra That's Not Underwired,in the case of custom jewelry you need to value the jeweller before you value the jewelry.? Don't Be Surprised!
Now if you're like most women, you'll like bras that are not only good looking but also provide your breasts with that strong support that prevents pain, sagging and fatigue. Furthermore, large breasted women need strong, firm bras that make them feel comfortable.
Underwired bras provide exactly that. They have wires that are placed in a semi-circular shape right below the cups. This results in providing that extra lift and support that a lot of women require.
It is precisely for these reasons that these bras have grown rapidly to become one of the most popular types. So much so that these days, you'll have a real hard time finding a bra that does not have an wire in it.
Though it is true that they provide your breasts with more lift, some women do find them quite uncomfortable and prefer wireless bras instead. This is truly a very personal choice,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Sand Boots. Some women swear by them while others stick to wireless.
The only way to find out which of these two types works for you is to try them out. Choose whichever ones makes you feel more comfortable and provides you with a snug fit.
For Nursing Mothers...
A word of advice. You should not sleep wearing an underwire bra. Nursing mothers should also be careful when wearing them. Make sure that the wire in the bra is not putting undue pressure on your breasts. This could lead to the milk ducts getting blocked, resulting is mastitis.
Like I mentioned previously, you'll know the type that suits you best until you try one on. Keep trying them on and you'll finally be able to stick with a model that'll suit you for an entire lifetime.